Article archive

My "Banned" Interview

What are your personal views towards sex and how did you begin as an escort? I love sex and everything what's related to it. I view sex as a great source of fun, relaxation and endorphins :)  I've always been very sexual and a bit promiscuous. Already in quite a young age, I realized I'm...
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About My Blogging Ambitions

About a year ago, I set up this website with the aim to make it something between my advertisement website for Prague and a place to share my thoughts. As the time flew, I've completely forgotten about that sharing the thoughts thing :D So my plan is to start by adding some of my older blog posts,...
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About Mind Reading

From time to time, I get accused of being passive or submissive. Let me clarify one thing: I'm a sex services and companionship provider. That means that people pay me to give them a nice time.  The thing is, that the idea of having a nice time means something different for each person. Some...
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Informace pro návštěvníky

Informujte Vaše návštěvníky co možná nejčastěji o novinkách a akcích na Vašem webu. Aby se uživatelé naučili Vaše stránky pravidelně navštěvovat je důležité webovou prezentaci pravidelně aktualizovat. Pro automatickou distribuci článků až k čtenáři můžete využít RSS kanály.
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Webová prezentace byla spuštěna

Dnes byla spuštěna naše nová webová prezentace. V tomto článku popište, proč jste spustili novou prezentaci a co přinese návštěvníkům. Uveďte jaké máte cíle s projektem a co přinese uživatelům. Pokuste se návštěvníkům stručně a jasně sdělit, proč by se na tuto stránku měli pravidelně vracet a jaké...
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About Prostitution Laws And Their Logic

After a long time I had an urgency to write some really thoughtful blog post. Few days ago, I had a very bad experience with a customer. He didn´t cause me any physical harm, but he was completely out of his mind and he didn´t want to leave. At all. Though I was scared, I was more scared...
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Many of my customers told me that they are suprised that I am the girl from the photos. Many people who are calling me ask me twice if it´s realy me (even though my pictures are verified and there are many reviews about that). And almost everyone who is calling me asks about my...
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Ask me for a discount and I will block your number. This is not a joke. Today's note: Old, but still killing me :'-D
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About Discount Chasers

But there is something that I´d like to mention. Many people ask me if they could meet me for lower prices. Maybe they didn´t read the informatioon my profile properly, maybe they did, but they want to ask, no matter how rude it is.  Here is the list of the reasons why they claim they should...
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SMS Etiquette

Dear gentlemen,  I do not mind sending sms, but sometimes it drives me crazy. Here is an example of a bad sms conversation. Client: Hi. Me: Hello, do you want to meet me? Client: Jes. Me: At what time and for how long? Client: 30 min. Me: ? Client: Jes. ....................... Would you...
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